February 02, 2014

Dowry System ~paragraph

    Dowry system isn’t a good system.Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married. Now days the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage has struck deeper roots in Bangladesh. Almost in every class either poor or rich section, this problem is prevalent. Usually women in our society are considered inferior to the male. They are though to be of no use to the family. They can hardly bring any types of change for the society or for the country. So during marriage ceremony a section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides.

A Book Fair ~Paragraph

      At present in the global world, book fair has become very popular. It creates a sense of interest for books among the general people. In a book fair hundreds of pavilions are set up to display products as well as to create demands in the markets for these products. In Bangladesh there are two book fairs per year one the Dhaka Book Fair sponsored and arranged by the Jatio Grantho Kendro and the Ekushe Boi Mela arranged by Bangla Academy. Both the book fairs are famous and the attention of book lover’s country wide. Books are bery essential for people of such a developing country like Bangladesh. Although book fairs in our country are of recent origin. They are gradually gaining popularity.